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Romanisches Seminar


Obrist, Philipp; Zeugin, Senta; Wall, Albert; Kabatek, Johannes; Santos Rebelo, Patrick. 2023. ¿De vuelta a los corpus de elicitación? El estudio diasistemático de contextos de baja frecuencia en español. Ejemplos de la marcación diferencial del objeto. XXIII. Deutscher Hispanistentag, Graz.

Zeugin, Senta. 2023. Estudio experimental de la MDO en hablantes bilingües rumano-españoles. Coloquio "El rumano en contacto con las lenguas iberorrománicas", Zúrich.

Kabatek, Johannes; Zeugin, Senta. angenommen. How can we measure normative pressure in linguistic experiments. 56th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Athens.

Wall, Albert; Zeugin, Senta. angenommen. Zur Variation generisch verwendeter Nominalphrasen im europäischen und brasilianischen Portugiesisch – zwei parallele Akzeptabilitätstudien. 38. Deutscher Romanistentag, Leipzig.

Wall, Albert. angenommen. Experimentos de aceitabilidade e elicitação revelam diferenças gramaticais na marcação diferencial de objeto em variedades do português. 15. Deutscher Lusitanistentag, Zwickau.


Wall, Albert; Zeugin, Senta; Obrist, Philipp. 2022. Experimental evidence from Ibero-Romance for fine-grained distinctions on prominence scales. (Poster) 3rd International Conference on Prominence in Language, Köln.

Obrist, Philipp; Wall, Albert; Zeugin, Senta; Kabatek, Johannes. 2022. Differentielle Objektmarkierung im Rumantsch Ladin. Neue Modelle, neue Daten, neue Einsichten. 8avel Colloqui Retoromanistic, Curaglia/Val Medel.

Zeugin, Senta; Wall, Albert; Santos Rebelo, Patrick; Obrist, Philipp. 2022. An experimental approach to Differential Object Marking in Portuguese. (Poster) 55th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Bukarest.

Wall, Albert. 2022. Experimental methods in  the context of language contact. Network meeting on DOM and Language Contact, online


Obrist, Philipp; Wall, Albert; Zeugin, Senta; Kabatek, Johannes; Santos Rebelo, Patrick. 2021. Combining elicitation tasks and acceptability judgments in search of infrequent structures. A case study in Differential Marking of inanimate-reference objects in Spanish. Workshop "Experimental approaches to Romance morphosyntax" at Societas Linguistica Europaea – 54th annual meeting, online.

Zeugin, Senta. 2021. Differential Object Marking and language contact. An experimental study of Spanish and Romanian. Workshop "Experimental approaches to Romance morphosyntax" at Societas Linguistica Europaea – 54th annual meeting, online.

Kabatek, Johannes. 2021. Catalan-Spanish language contact setting. Colloquium "DOM in Catalan (and Romance) and Language Contact, Köln/online.

Wall, Albert. 2021. An experimental approach to differential object marking (DOM) in Portuguese. The Word Lab, Lissabon/online.


Wall, Albert; Zeugin, Senta; Obrist, Philipp. 2020. Evidence for fine-grained semantic scales in the acceptability of Ibero-Romance DOM. Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen.

Wall, Albert; Obrist, Philipp; Zeugin, Senta; Kabatek, Johannes. 2020. The variation of Differential Object Marking in Spanish. Experimental data from four varieties across six constructions. Societas Linguistica Europea – 53rd annual meeting, online.


Kabatek, Johannes. 2019. El género textual como condicionante de la diacronía. Panorama general. Kolloquium "Sintaxis Histórica de la Lengua Española", Mexico City.