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Kabatek, Johannes. angenommen. El marcado diferencial de objeto. cuestiones teóricas, metodológicas y empíricas. XXII. Deutscher Hispanistentag. Berlin.
Binder, Larissa; Kabatek, Johannes; Obrist, Philipp; Wall, Albert. 2018. Nuevos métodos de visualización en lingüística histórica: los gráficos dinámicos y su valor heurístico. "XI Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española". Lima.
Binder, Larissa; Stark, Elisabeth. 2018. Differential object marking in French – Myth or reality? Workshop "Differential Object Marking in Romance – towards microvariation". Paris.
Kabatek, Johannes. 2018. The Diachrony of DOM in Spanish: towards a multi-dimensional approach. Workshop "Differential Object Marking in Romance – towards microvariation". Paris.
Wall, Albert. 2018. The current dynamics of differential object marking - a comparative experimental study. Workshop "DOM in Spanish - diachronic change and synchronic variation". Zürich.
Zeugin, Senta. 2018. The acceptability of DOM in Catalan Varieties. Workshop "DOM in Spanish - diachronic change and synchronic variation". Zürich.
Binder, Larissa. 2017. A diachronic view on leísmo and DOM in Peninsular Spanish. International workshop "Diachrony of Differential Object Marking", Paris.
Kabatek, Johannes. 2017. New reflections on the diachrony of DOM in Spanish. International workshop "Diachrony of Differential Object Marking", Paris.
Obrist, Philipp. 2017. Romansh case marking and the emergence of DOM in Rumantsch Ladin. International workshop "Diachrony of Differential Object Marking", Paris.
Obrist, Philipp & Wall, Albert. 2017 Topic-worthiness y el estudio diacrónico de la MDO en español. 21. Hispanistentag, München.
Wall, Albert. 2017. Different sources of DOM in Spanish? The diachronic perspective. International workshop "Diachrony of Differential Object Marking", Paris.
Wall, Albert. 2016. What's new about Differential Object Marking in new varieties of Spanish and Portuguese? Workshop "New Varieties in the Americas", Bremen.
Wall, Albert. 2015. The role of variation in the processing of Spanish Differential Object Marking. (Poster) Societas Linguistica Europaea - 48th Annual Meeting, Leiden. Poster (PDF, 311 KB)