Laurie Hoeben
- Doktorandin Französische Literatur des Mittelalters (Prof. Dr. Richard Trachsler) - Project: «From Manuscript to Print: A Matter of Bankability?»
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Based on a corpus of some 80 medieval texts that were prosified and printed, this project seeks to determine the reasons why these (and not others) were selected for print, and to explain the changes these mises en prose underwent in the process of adaptation to the new medium of print. Moving beyond textual changes, it focuses special attention on modifications in layout, rubrication and titles.
Profile: Laurie Hoeben studied French language and culture and European Literature at the University of Utrecht (BA) and Radboud University (MA). In 2021-2022, the French embassy in the Netherlands and the Fondation Prix de Paris funded her research on the authorship of the anonymous French medieval novel Le Roman de Ponthus et Sidoine. In the same period she also took part in a research project on the 16th-century Lyonnaise book printer Claude Nourry at the Université Lumière Lyon 2. As part of the project Re-mediating the Early Book: Pasts and Futures (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network) Laurie further pursues her interest in French medieval texts.