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Romanisches Seminar
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CH - 8032 Zürich
+41 (0)44 634 35 41
Büro ZUG G 61
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The project aims to analyze representations of physical and symbolic violence exerted over women’s bodies in a corpus of literary texts. On the basis of an analytical literary framework that integrates perspectives pertaining to Anthropology and Cultural Studies, my research will be focused on the ways that these writings reveal the mechanisms of possession, consumption, and disposal of women’s bodies, that is, transformed into wasted humans.
Perfil: Virginia León Torrez studied Spanish Linguistics/ Literature and Latin American Studies, and completed a Master of Arts with special qualification in Literature at the University of Bern. She is currently assistant and teaching fellow at the University of Zurich, Literary and Cultural Latin American Studies (RoSe, UZH). Besides, she organizes a reading circle in Zurich, Club de lectura de literatura latinoamericana, and is a member of the Latina American literary group Letras Bernáculas, which organizes literary evenings in Bern and is a founding member of Feminisms, Marxism and Decoloniality (FMD), the Latin American Working Group of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS).
Una vez al mes nos reunimos en el café/librería Sphères para discutir novelas y libros de cuentos en español, y recientemente publicados.
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Jornada latinoamericana del LZZ: "Miradas en femenino"
Freitag, 7. März 2025, 17:30 Uhr bis 20:30 Uhr
17:30 hrs / Charla Silencios compartidos: La visión cinematográfica de Tatiana Huezo con la especialista Dr.a Darcy Alexandra (Universität Bern)
18:00 hrs / Proyección de la película Noche de fuego (Tatiana Huezo, 2021)
19:50 hrs / Debate sobre la película & Apéro
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