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Romanisches Seminar

Société Internationale Renardienne - International Reynard Society

La Société Internationale Renardienne ...

... est une association informelle de chercheurs qui partagent leur intérêt pour les animaux dans la littérature médiévale, plus particulièrement pour l'épopée animale, les fables et les fabliaux;

... organise un colloque international tous les deux ans;

... encourage les contributions des jeunes chercheurs;

... n'a pas de statuts ni de cotisation, on devient membre par la simple manifestation de sa volonté ("There should be no membership fees, no rules, no regulations".)

... voudrait éviter les sessions parallèles au cours de ses colloques pour que les jeunes chercheurs ne soient pas concurrencés par un chercheur établi parlant dans la session parallèle.


Ou avec les mots de Kenneth Varty, dans son article (PDF, 1 MB) de 1995:

"Our society should be as non-hierarchical as possible [...].

There should be no membership fees, no rules, no regulations.

Anticipating that our membership would be small, we agreed that

  • all our meetings should consist of plenary sessions;
  • that we should avoid concurrent, sectional meetings if we possibly could [...];
  • that every effort would be made to avoid 'unfair' competition, in particular where relative new-comers to our camp were concerned: these should not be asked to speak at the same time as well-established, well-known scholars.

We would draw on as many cultures as possible, and allow as many languages to be used as seemed sensible to speaker and aucience.

Above all, we should act as one body, and avoid national sections and committes.

We would meet in as many different countries as we could, depending chiefly on the good will of potential organisers, preferably in picturesque and/or lively places where good food and drink were plentiful."

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Prochain Colloque

Le prochain colloque aura lieu en septembre 2024 à Trento.

De plus amples informations se trouvent sous l'onglet "colloque international".


Unterseiten von Société Internationale Renardienne - International Reynard Society